Safe in Practice: An Inside Endeavor
Yoga is a dance between control and surrender, between pushing and letting go; and when to push and when to let go becomes a part of the...

The Yoga of Eating
A Regular Guy I grew up in a home where we didn't ask many questions. It wasn't so much that we had a total trust in others, as it was...

Awake, AWARE
Remember the "good old days" in the previous century? You know, the '50s and '60s. Life was rather simple then. For instance, everything...

Break the Cycle of HOLIDAY STRESS
BECOME A PEACEFUL WARRIOR : A person known for having courage and skill, energetically engaged with life, aware, focused and internally...

Yoga: A Special Gift for Women
Like many fellow practitioners, yoga has gifted and blessed my life! After discovering yoga in my late twenties, it healed injuries, held...

Hair, Fabulous Hair!
Hair and Scalp are Just an Extension of Skin—Feeding and Care for the Hair Dr. Prana Chee and I were taking a leisurely stroll in the...

Raging Hormones
Hormones headlines are in the news almost daily. Does yoga have any techniques or answers for maintaining happy hormones? Several years...

Oh, My Aching Back!
Kermit of the Muppets said it so clearly when he announced, “It isn’t easy being green,” and when we have a back condition or backache,...

Kiss that Headache Goodbye!
“I’ve had migraines for 17 years. I have tried everything under the sun and yoga is the only thing that has consistently helped me.”...

YOGA AT HOME: Developing a Personal Practice
Taking a yoga class has many benefits, but how do you integrate yoga’s holistic living principles into your life? Establishing a Home...